Gabriel Oliveira
1 min readJun 9, 2016


“Y es, our thoughts do influence reality, and they make an impact on how our DNA will express itself.”

I absolutely agree with this statement and point. Furthermore, I agree with many of the points that allude to individuals as exerting a degree of control over their physiological makeup, their status in life and events that will take place in the future. The only lack of consensus I would have in relevance to the eloquently presented content above refers to the means and context by which this data transference occurs.

Though I won’t go into my point of view here, I must say that this article is not only highly insightful in exposing the ‘benefits’ of Eastern meditation practices and how it ties into our human ecology but it can also be powerful in enlightening the growing masses which focus primarily on post-modernist ideals and neglect the possibility of a spiritual realm.

